
Ladies of Grace Ministry

Our Ladies of Grace Ministry is a group of women at MHDAFC who are very anointed, appointed and approved by God to go forth and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to many lost souls. They minister to those who are strung out on drugs and alcohol, to speak healing and deliverance over their lives according to Job 22:28 "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee",  that they may be restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Our Ladies of Grace have a very deep passion for reaching out and helping the homeless teenage girls and women that are living in shelters and on the streets, who are lacking many things in their lives. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month our Ladies of Grace feed and clothe the homeless that don't have any food or fitting clothes to wear.

Marriage Ministry

Our main goal here at MHDAFC is to help the married couples at our church bond closer together, as one, before God by empowering them with the proper education and right tools that will help keep them living right in the eye sight of God at all times.

Men of Integrity Ministry

Men of Integrity is a very anointed and powerful group of brothers at MHDAFC that are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and love going into the highways, cities and streets to tell the young, middle age and older men about Jesus Christ. They let them know that Jesus Christ is still a healer and way maker for His own, and that there are no problems that they are dealing with that God can't bring them out of. On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month our men's group go out to feed and clothe the men that don't have any food or decent clothing to wear. We equip and empower our men to be great spiritual leaders in their home, the church and throughout their communities.

MHDAFC Jail & Prison Ministry

Our MHDAFC jail and prison ministry visit various city and county jails as well state and federal prisons and preach and teach the word of God to those that are locked up. We teach them that God is a God of another chance, and if God has called you to minister his word, that he has not changed his mind about you. He already knew what you were going to do and what it was going to take to get your full attention. He still loves you and he want you to be saved, and filled with the full plan of salvation in Jesus Christ name.

MHDAFC Youth Ministry

Our foundation and main goal for our youth ministry is to train them to be great examples of Jesus Christ,  and to always strive to live according to God's holy word each and every day of their lives.

Praise Dance Ministry

MHDAFC praise dance group are very gifted and anointed praise dancers that use their God given gifts to demonstrate the word of God in the form of a message.

Silver Fox Over 55 Ministry

Our silver fox over 55 ministry is a ministry where our members who are 55 and older are great examples to our youth and other members by their spiritual walk in the Lord, and to assist in whatever ways that they are gifted to serve in the church. We will be putting together various events and trips for our Silver Fox over 55 ministry group.

Singles Ministry

Our main goal for the singles ministry here at MHDAFC is to first make sure that God is their first love, and to make sure that they love themselves before they reach out trying to love someone else. We will be putting together various activities for our singles group, like date night, out on the town at a real nice classy resturant etc.