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Apostle Charles Leland Kinlaw Sr., and the Miracle Healing and Deliverance
Apostolic Faith Church family would love to thank you for viewing our church
website. If you are in search of a church home we would love to invite you to 
come and check out our church services, and we pray that the word of God 
delivered from this ministry becomes a testimony you share with your family and friends. 
 It's time for the church to stand up and take charge, Jesus Christ is running the church, and the church is supposed to be running the world.  Let us strive to get on one accord saints of God and get BUSY4JESUS as the members of MHDAFC are constantly staying busy for Jesus Christ.
If your church ministry is searching for a great church organization to join with, you can leave Apostle Charles L Kinlaw Sr. a message with your name, phone number and the name of your church ministry at and he will contact you as soon as possible. 
The word of God lets us know that it is better to give than to receive.  Luke 6:38, "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Our church ministry is BUSY4JESUS every 2nd and 4th Saturday and sometimes during the week as well, feeding and clothing many of the homeless men and women, as well as teenagers that are living out on the street with little to no food to eat and nowhere to go. We are asking you to please help us rescue these lost souls from the streets by helping with any donation amount that you feel led in your heart to give. Remember, Jesus said "in as much as you have done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me."  We also help feed an orphanage with food and clothing every month over in East Kenya, Africa.